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In this course, you will learn all about circuits with alternating current (AC). The course shows how to design and analyse AC circuits, and concepts like phasors and power factor are explained. We also cover transformers, fuses, relays, and the use of transistors as switches. The course is the second in our series on electronics and a working knowledge of DC circuits is assumed.
Aprende los conceptos y métodos básicos de la bioestadística aplicada a la investigación. Aprende a explorar, organizar, y presentar datos usando el software R y adquiere competencias para realizar estadística descriptiva exploratoria y algunas pruebas estadísticas confirmatorias sobre un conjunto de datos de interés.
Aprende los fundamentos de la fotografía médica, su utilidad y recomendaciones para capturar fotografías que permitan realizar el seguimiento de tratamientos médicos, verificar la evolución de los pacientes y publicar resultados de investigación en este campo.
Este curso está realizado por profesionales para todas aquellas personas que tienen ganas de tener una huerta orgánica, que consideran que es muy importante el cultivo, sus propias hortalizas, plantas aromáticas, frutales, beneficiosos para el cuidado de su salud y la economía familiar.
This course provides learners with an introduction to applications of machine learning in the plant sciences. Learners will be given an introduction to machine learning including supervised learning, test validation, learning via gradient methods, neural networks, regression, and parameter optimization, with examples of how machine learning can be used in the context of plant biology. Exercises will enable participants to apply their learning to questions in plant science.
PM Skills® provides training in the interpersonal skills and organizational behaviors that have the strongest impact on team performance and project success. The training provides the practical application of the skills, tools, and organizational behaviors that have the strongest impact on team performance and project success. While many project management courses touch upon the concepts behind these skills, PM Skills® takes it further and prepares the learner to put them into practice.
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