About this Course

This Front-End Web Developer course is offered by W3C and focuses on teaching the basic building blocks of web design and style through HTML5 and CSS. The objective is to equip students with the skills to create a professionally styled site, using the latest web standards. By the end of the course, learners will understand the essential web elements and construct a basic framework for their own website.

Course Details

  • Institution: W3Cx
  • Subject: Computer Science
  • Level: Introductory
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Language: English
  • Video Transcript: English
  • Associated programs: Professional Certificate in Front-End Web Developer

What Students Will Learn

  • Writing Web pages
  • Understanding markup languages
  • Foundational HTML5 and CSS knowledge
  • Web design and styling principles
  • Page layout strategies using flexbox

Skills Required

No prerequisites or previous skills are necessary to enroll in this course, making it ideal for beginners who are interested in web development.

Course Coverage

  • Web page creation and structure
  • Introduction to elements, tags, and attributes
  • Comprehensive basics of HTML5 and CSS
  • Advanced page layout techniques such as flexbox and CSS grid
  • Implementation of multimedia and embedding content
  • Who Should Enroll

    This course is designed for individuals who are new to web development and those interested in creating and styling websites using HTML5 and CSS. It's suitable for learners who aim to attain proficiency in building web interfaces and those pursuing a professional certificate in Front-End Web Development.

    Upon completion, the learned skills can be used to undertake various projects that include website creation, web application development, and user interface design. Professionals can apply these skills in job roles relatedresents such as web developmental)",ifications fronMulti> graduates can use their newfound knowledge to build their own personal or professional web cutter faces.


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