EPFLx: Instructional Design with Orchestration Graphs

EPFLx: Instructional Design with Orchestration Graphs

by École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

Orchestration Graphs for Learning

Course Description

This advanced-level course, "Orchestration Graphs for Learning," offered by EPFLx, is an innovative exploration into the world of instructional design and educational orchestration. It introduces a powerful visual model called the orchestration graph, which revolutionizes the way educators design and manage complex learning scenarios. This course is perfect for those looking to enhance their skills in creating dynamic, collaborative, and effective learning experiences.

What Students Will Learn

  • The concept and application of orchestration graphs in lesson planning
  • Techniques for designing multi-activity lesson plans
  • Strategies to maximize the effectiveness of collaborative learning
  • Methods for graphically designing orchestration graphs
  • Understanding of various edge types in graphs based on educational research
  • Knowledge of different operators in the dataflow
  • Skills to edit, share, and execute graphs using the FROG platform
  • Optimal timing strategies for transitions between activities


  • Work experience or a degree related to learning sciences or instructional design
  • Basic understanding of educational concepts and terminology
  • Familiarity with collaborative learning principles
  • Comfort with using online platforms and tools

Course Content

  • Introduction to orchestration graphs and their importance in education
  • Principles of designing effective lesson plans with multiple learning activities
  • Maximizing the potential of collaborative learning experiences
  • Graphical design techniques for creating orchestration graphs
  • Exploration of various edge types in graphs based on educational research
  • Understanding and implementing operators in the dataflow
  • Hands-on experience with the FROG platform for graph editing, sharing, and execution
  • Strategies for optimal timing and transitions between learning activities

Who This Course Is For

  • Educators and teachers looking to enhance their instructional design skills
  • Instructional designers seeking innovative approaches to lesson planning
  • Educational researchers interested in collaborative learning and orchestration
  • School administrators aiming to implement more effective learning strategies
  • Anyone involved in curriculum development or educational technology

Real-World Applications

  • Designing more engaging and effective lesson plans in various educational settings
  • Improving student collaboration and learning outcomes through better orchestration
  • Implementing dynamic and adaptive learning scenarios in classrooms or online environments
  • Enhancing curriculum development with research-based instructional design principles
  • Utilizing educational technology more effectively to support learning objectives
  • Applying workflow management concepts to educational contexts for smoother lesson execution


  1. Introduction to orchestration graphs
  2. Optimizing collaborative learning
  3. Inside orchestration graph
  4. Orchestration
  5. Final debrief
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