DartmouthX: Executing Breakthrough Innovations with the Three Box Solution

DartmouthX: Executing Breakthrough Innovations with the Three Box Solution

by Dartmouth College

Executing Box 3 Innovation Initiatives

Course Description

Welcome to "Executing Box 3 Innovation Initiatives," an engaging and transformative course that delves into the heart of innovation execution. This course, part of the Leading Innovation Professional Certificate program, is led by the renowned Vijay Govindarajan (VG) and is based on his groundbreaking book, "The Three Box Solution: A Strategy for Leading Innovation."

In this course, you'll discover that true innovation extends far beyond the initial spark of inspiration. VG guides you through the challenging journey from imagination to real-world impact, revealing how to navigate the complexities of executing Box 3 innovation initiatives within organizations designed for ongoing operations.

What students will learn

  • How to build and structure the right team for innovation initiatives
  • Strategies for partnering innovation teams with ongoing operations
  • Techniques to anticipate and prevent conflicts in innovation processes
  • Methods for running disciplined experiments to test assumptions
  • Ways to translate experimental results into new knowledge
  • Approaches to measure progress in innovation initiatives


While not mandatory, it is recommended that students complete the first course in the series, "Three Box Solution: Developing Breakthrough Innovations." This foundation will provide valuable context for the execution strategies covered in this course.

Course Coverage

  • Overcoming the Forgetting Challenge: Building a dedicated team for Box 3 innovation
  • Addressing the Borrow Challenge: Creating partnerships between innovation teams and core business units
  • Tackling the Learn Challenge: Amplifying weak signals and testing critical assumptions in Box 3 experiments
  • Strategies for managing conflicts between innovation initiatives and ongoing operations
  • Techniques for measuring progress and success in innovation execution

Who this course is for

This course is ideal for professionals across various functions in large corporations, mid-size businesses, startups, and nonprofit organizations. It's particularly valuable for individuals looking to advance their careers in:

  • R&D
  • Engineering
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Service
  • Human Resources
  • Accounting
  • Finance

Real-world Application

The skills acquired in this course are directly applicable to real-world innovation challenges. Learners will be equipped to:

  • Lead innovation initiatives within their organizations
  • Build and manage high-performing innovation teams
  • Navigate the complexities of integrating innovation with ongoing operations
  • Design and run effective experiments to test new ideas
  • Translate innovation concepts into tangible business impact
  • Measure and communicate the progress of innovation initiatives


  • Module 1: Overcome the Forgetting Challenge
    • Building a Dedicated Team for the Box 3 innovation initiative
  • Module 2: Overcome the Borrow Challenge
    • Creating a healthy partnership between the Dedicated Team and the Core Business
    • Managing resulting conflicts
  • Module 3: Overcome the Learn Challenge
    • Amplifying weak signals
    • Testing critical assumptions inherent in Box 3 experiments

By enrolling in this course, you'll gain invaluable insights into the execution of innovation initiatives, preparing you to drive meaningful change and create lasting impact in your organization. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a leading expert in innovation strategy and position yourself at the forefront of business transformation.

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