DelftX: Electric Cars: Introduction

DelftX: Electric Cars: Introduction

by Delft University of Technology

Electric Vehicles: Technology, Business, Policy

Course Description

Welcome to the cutting-edge world of electric vehicles (EVs)! This intermediate-level course, offered by DelftX, is your gateway to understanding the revolutionary impact of electric mobility on the transportation industry. As we transition towards a sustainable future, electric vehicles are becoming increasingly crucial. This comprehensive course will equip you with essential knowledge about EV technology, business models, and policy frameworks.

What You'll Learn

  • The role of electric vehicles in the global energy transition
  • Fundamentals of electric car and charging technology
  • Different types of electric vehicles and their operational principles
  • Business aspects of the electric vehicle industry and its future potential
  • Policy ambitions and instruments for promoting electric mobility


While there are no strict prerequisites, it's recommended that students have an affinity with basic concepts related to the different tracks covered in the course: technology of electric cars, business, and policy.

Course Content

  • Introduction to electric vehicles and their role in energy transition
  • Technology perspective: EV components, types, and charging systems
  • Business perspective: EV mobility business models and market disruption
  • Policy perspective: Government ambitions, instruments, and social dimensions
  • Real-world case studies (e.g., Chevrolet Volt & Bolt EV, Lightyear One EV)
  • Integration of technology, business, and policy aspects in the EV industry

Who This Course Is For

  • Engineering students interested in sustainable transportation
  • Business professionals looking to understand the EV market
  • Policy makers and government officials working on sustainable mobility
  • Automotive industry professionals transitioning to electric vehicles
  • Anyone passionate about sustainable technology and its societal impact

Real-World Applications

  • Developing new e-mobility projects and solutions
  • Creating strategies for sustainable local transport
  • Implementing e-mobility solutions in smart city concepts
  • Advising on EV policy and infrastructure development
  • Making informed decisions about EV adoption in personal or professional contexts
  • Contributing to the ongoing energy transition in the transportation sector


Week 1: EVs in the energy transition

  • Introduction
  • Technology perspective of EV
  • Business perspective of EV
  • Policy perspective of EV
  • Combining perspectives of Technology, Business and Policy

Week 2: Introduction to Technology of EVs

  • Operation of an electric car and key parts
  • Types of electric vehicles
  • Basics of EV charging
  • Case study: Volt and Bolt
  • Case study: Lightyear

Week 3: Introduction to Business of EVs

  • Electric vehicle mobility business
  • Electrification, a sustainable business disruption
  • Automation, the need for smart E-mobility
  • Connectivity makes auto-mobility cost-efficient
  • Case study: Lightyear

Week 4: Introduction to Policy to EVs

  • Policy ambitions
  • Policies and policy instruments
  • EVs in the infrastructure system
  • The social dimensions of EVs

Join us on this electrifying journey and become a part of the sustainable transportation revolution!

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