Google: Coronavirus Powersearching

Google: Coronavirus Powersearching

by Google

About this Course

Learn the best online search methods to help you find medical information quickly and accurately. These techniques, though demonstrated with a focus on Coronavirus (COVID-19), are widely applicable to searching for medical information on nearly any topic.

At a Glance

  • Institution: Google
  • Subject: Medicine
  • Level: Introductory
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Language: English
  • Video Transcript: English

What You'll Learn

  • How to frame your medical search query accurately.
  • Ways to limit the search results to just the past week, month, or year to get the latest medical information.
  • How to collect information from a variety of different medical websites, comparing claims in a systematic way to assess their accuracy.
  • Methods for finding the best times to visit stores in your neighborhood to minimize your potential exposure to Coronavirus.

Who This Course is For

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to enhance their skills in searching for medical information online. It is especially beneficial for students, health professionals, or anyone interested in staying informed about health issues.

How Learners Can Use These Skills in the Real World

Skills gained from this course can be used to make informed decisions about health-related issues by providing accurate and timely information. They can help in personal health management, academic research, professional healthcare practice, and in staying informed about global health developments.


  1. Introduction to Medical Powersearching Skills
    • Finding basic information about Coronavirus
    • Principles of effective medical searching
    • Developing effective queries
    • Interpreting search results
    • Finding symptoms and testing locations
  2. Searching for Coronavirus Risk Factors
    • Identifying at-risk populations
    • Simplifying language in queries
    • Evaluating source credibility
    • Utilizing image searches
    • Finding timely publication dates
  3. Discovering How Coronavirus is Spread
    • Comparing information about protective measures like masks
    • Using spreadsheets for data comparison
    • Filtering results by time
  4. Assessing the Prevalence of Coronavirus in Your Community
    • Searching for regional health data
    • Comparing health data across locations
  5. Finding Strategies for Living in a World with Coronavirus
    • Searching for local health guidelines
    • Finding peak times for local businesses to reduce exposure
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