IBM: Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)

IBM: Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)

by IBM

Course Description

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the concepts of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), emphasizing the importance and benefits of these practices in software development and deployment. It guides learners through both theory and practical application, providing hands-on experience with tools like GitHub, Tekton, and Kubernetes.

What Students will Learn

  • Understanding of CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
  • Practical skills in Continuous Integration using GitHub Actions.
  • Ability to create and manage Continuous Delivery pipelines using Tekton.
  • Deployment techniques for cloud applications using Kubernetes.
  • Real-world experience with CI/CD tools and practices.

Prerequisites or Skills Necessary

  • Basic knowledge of IT and cloud computing fundamentals.
  • Understanding of DevOps principles.
  • Experience with containers and Kubernetes.
  • Proficiency in Python programming.

Course Content

  • Introduction to CI/CD
  • Continuous Integration using GitHub
  • Building and managing Tekton pipelines
  • CI/CD automation with Kubernetes
  • Hands-On Lab sessions

Who This Course is For

This course is ideal for software and DevOps engineers who wish to enhance their skills in modern software development practices, especially those interested in mastering CI/CD processes to improve deployment frequency and software quality.

Real World Application

Learners will acquire skills that can significantly increase their productivity and project success by enabling more frequent and reliable software updates. These capabilities are crucial in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven industries where rapid deployment and high software quality are key competitive advantages.


Module 1: Introduction to CI/CD

  • Essential concepts and benefits of CI/CD
  • Exploration of infrastructure as code

Module 2: Understanding Continuous Integration

  • The basics of Continuous Integration
  • Social coding techniques with Git
  • Using GitHub Actions for CI

Module 3: Implementing Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Setting up CI workflows with GitHub Actions
  • Integrating code coverage analysis

Module 4: Understanding Continuous Delivery

  • Key principles and practices of Continuous Delivery
  • Tools for Continuous Delivery

Module 5: Implementing Pipelines with Tekton

  • Creating and managing CD pipelines
  • Automating deployments with Kubernetes and OpenShift

Module 6: Final Exam

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Course Page   IBM: Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)