IRTIx: Islamic Finance for the Sustainable Development Goals

IRTIx: Islamic Finance for the Sustainable Development Goals

by Islamic Development Bank Institute

About This Course

This free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), provided by Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and its partners, focuses on "Islamic Finance for the Sustainable Development Goals." It aims to position Islamic finance broadly in the context of Sustainable Development Goals rather than as a niche area. The course is designed for capacity building, equipping development professionals and Islamic finance partners with the necessary skills to leverage Islamic finance for sustainable development. Instructors include 27 leading experts who integrate theory with practical insights through lectures and real-world case studies.

What Students Will Learn

  • Understand the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • Identify the financing mechanisms for sustainable development.
  • Gain deep knowledge of Islamic finance principles and comfortable communication skills regarding partnerships in the finance sector.
  • Develop effective partnerships within the global development community.
  • Design programs and policies that integrate Islamic finance for sustainable development.
  • Explore real-world case studies to see the application of Islamic finance in supporting the SDGs.
  • Create innovative financing solutions combining Islamic finance instruments with technology.

Course Prerequisites

No prerequisites are required for this course, making it accessible to anyone interested in learning how Islamic finance can contribute to sustainable development.

Course Coverage

  • Introduction to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • The role of Islamic finance in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Understanding Islamic microfinance and its impact on socioeconomic empowerment.
  • Case studies illustrating the practical application of Islamic finance principles.
  • Strategies to develop effective partnerships and finance solutions.

Who This Course Is For

  • Development professionals seeking to leverage financing for sustainable projects.
  • Individuals interested in the intersection of finance and sustainable development.
  • Islamic finance partners looking to align with Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Policy makers who create or influence financial and social empowerment programs.

Application of Skills in the Real World

The skills learned in this course can be applied by professionals in various sectors to design and implement strategies that effectively utilize Islamic finance for sustainable development projects. These strategies can include developing social and commercial finance instruments, participating in high-impact partnerships, and realizing the potential of Islamic finance in new entrepreneurial and economic contexts.


Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: The SDGs and the Role of Islamic Finance

  • The SDGs and Financing the 2030 Agenda.
  • Islamic Finance: An Ethical Proposition for Sustainable Development.
  • Principles of Islamic Finance and Their Link with the SDGs.
  • Case Studies on Islamic Microfinance.

Module 3: Modes and Institutions of Islamic Finance

  • Overview of Islamic Commercial and Social Finance Instruments.
  • Islamic Social Finance's role in Economic and Social Empowerment.
  • Governance in Islamic Finance.
  • Case Studies on Institutional Integration of Islamic Finance.

Module 4: Impact Investing and Islamic Finance

  • Blending Islamic Finance with Impact Investing.
  • Impact Measurement and Management.
  • Case Study on Global Islamic Finance and Impact Investing Platform.

Module 5: Perspectives for Multilateral Organizations

  • Policy Frameworks for Engaging with Islamic Finance.
  • Risk-Sharing in Financial Development through Islamic Finance.
  • Case Studies on Islamic Finance's Role in Green Initiatives.
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