KULeuvenX: Research Ethics: a guide for responsible research with human subjects

KULeuvenX: Research Ethics: a guide for responsible research with human subjects

by KU Leuven

Research Ethics Course Overview

About this Course

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to research ethics, particularly focusing on the conduct of research involving human subjects. It explores main ethical issues in diverse contexts, engages with materials through case studies, videos, interviews, and discussions, and equips participants with practical tools for ethical assessment and moral reasoning.

What You Will Learn

  • The fundamentals of research ethics.
  • Importance and implications of ethical research.
  • Key ethical issues encountered in research.
  • Ethical considerations necessary for research involving human subjects.
  • Guidelines and principles underlying ethical research.
  • Effective assessment of risks and benefits.
  • Roles and responsibilities of a Research Ethics Committee.
  • Criteria for informed consent and considerations for vulnerable populations.
  • Approaches to ensure participants' privacy and confidentiality.
  • Identification and avoidance of ethical misconduct.
  • Application of ethical reasoning and critical thinking in research scenarios.


A Bachelor's degree in any subject is required to undertake this course.

Who This Course is For

The course is suited for students, researchers, academic professionals, and anyone interested in understanding the ethical implications of research involving human subjects.

Real World Applications

Understand and navigate the complexities of ethical decision-making in research settings, enhance research credibility and integrity, and ensure the welfare of research participants.


  • Module 0: Introduction to course and resources.
  • Module 1: Responsibility in research; role of researchers in society.
  • Module 2: Ethics infrastructure and governance; understanding ethical guidelines.
  • Module 3 & 4: Informed consent – informing participants and obtaining consent.
  • Module 5: Research involving vulnerable participants.
  • Module 6: Privacy and confidentiality in research data handling.
  • Module 7: Research integrity, misconduct, and conflict of interest.
  • Module 8: Final exam to assess knowledge acquisition.
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