OsmosisFromElsevier: Foundations of Client Care 1: Human Body and Disease Basics

OsmosisFromElsevier: Foundations of Client Care 1: Human Body and Disease Basics

by Osmosis from Elsevier

Course Description

This introductory Biology and Life Sciences course, titled The Human Body and Disease Basics, is part of the Foundations of Client Care program by Osmosis from Elsevier. It covers fundamental concepts of human development, anatomy, and the pathophysiology of diseases, focusing on the various body systems and their common disorders and injuries.

What Students Will Learn

  • Key functions and structures of major body systems
  • Common diseases and injuries that impact these body systems
  • Signs and symptoms associated with these diseases and injuries
  • The responsibilities of a nursing assistant in managing these conditions within a healthcare setting

Prerequisites or Skills Necessary

No prerequisites are required for this course, making it accessible for beginners interested in biology and the healthcare field.

Course Coverage

  • Overview of Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Detailed study of each major body system
  • Common pathological conditions affecting each system
  • Role of healthcare professionals in managing diseases and injuries

Who This Course is For

This course is ideal for students new to the fields of biology or healthcare, including aspiring nursing assistants and other healthcare professionals who wish to understand the basics of human body systems and common medical conditions.

Real-World Application

Understanding the human body and common diseases is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in healthcare. Knowledge gained in this course can help in early diagnosis and effective management of diseases, enhancing patient care. It's also beneficial for personal health management and awareness.


  • Introduction to Human Body Systems
  • Study of the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Nervous, and Other Key Systems
  • Common Diseases and Injuries: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
  • Healthcare Roles in Managing Diseases and Educating Patients
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