PekingX: 浪漫主义时代的欧洲音乐 European Music in Romantic Period

PekingX: 浪漫主义时代的欧洲音乐 European Music in Romantic Period

by Peking University

Romantic Era European Music

Course Description

"Romantic Era European Music" is an enlightening and accessible course designed for those who have always wanted to explore the world of classical music but didn't know where to start. This comprehensive program delves into the rich tapestry of 19th-century Western Romantic music culture, offering students a unique opportunity to understand the essence of classical music and acquire essential cultural knowledge.

The course focuses on the most representative musical phenomena of the European Romantic era, guiding students through the historical threads and cultural contexts of artistic music creation, performance, reception, and dissemination. By the end of this journey, you'll have gained a deep appreciation for Romantic-era classical music and accumulated a substantial repertoire of familiar musical pieces, ultimately enriching your personal artistic life.

What Students Will Learn

  • Fundamental music theory knowledge
  • Cultural insights into classical music
  • Methods for appreciating classical music
  • Understanding of Romantic music trends and philosophies
  • Historical context of 19th-century European music
  • Analysis of various musical forms and genres from the Romantic era
  • Exploration of key composers and their significant works
  • Development of critical listening skills


There are no prerequisites for this course. Students do not need any prior knowledge of basic music theory or performance skills. This course is designed to be accessible to beginners and music enthusiasts alike.

Course Coverage

  • Introduction to Romantic-era music
  • Grand symphonies and public concerts
  • Piano artistry and salon culture
  • Opera industry and Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art)
  • Art songs and the fusion of poetry and music
  • Light music and Biedermeier culture
  • Musical independence and nationalism
  • Impressionism and the revolution in sound
  • 20th-century Romantic music: alienation and return

Who This Course Is For

  • Music enthusiasts with little to no prior knowledge of classical music
  • Students interested in European cultural history
  • Anyone looking to develop a deeper appreciation for classical music
  • Individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of the Romantic era in arts
  • Those who want to expand their musical repertoire and listening skills

Real-World Application of Skills

  • Enhanced appreciation of classical music concerts and performances
  • Improved ability to discuss and analyze music in social and professional settings
  • Greater understanding of European cultural history, beneficial for travel or cultural exchanges
  • Development of critical listening skills applicable to various forms of media and communication
  • Enriched personal artistic life and cultural awareness
  • Ability to recognize and appreciate classical music references in modern media and popular culture


Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Grand Symphonies and Public Concerts
Week 3: Piano Artistry and Salon Fashion
Week 4: Opera Industry and Gesamtkunstwerk
Week 5: Art Songs and the Fusion of Poetry and Music
Week 6: Light Music and Biedermeier Culture
Week 7: Musical Independence and Nationalism
Week 8: Impressionism and the Revolution in Sound
Week 9: Alienation and Return: 20th-century Romantic Music
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Course Page   PekingX: 浪漫主义时代的欧洲音乐 European Music in Romantic Period