Family and Domestic Violence Course

Course Description

Welcome to this comprehensive and eye-opening course on Family and Domestic Violence (FDV). This course has been meticulously designed to provide learners with a deep and nuanced understanding of the complex and often hidden world of domestic violence and abuse. By exploring the diverse experiences of victims, their families, and the broader community, you'll gain invaluable insights into this critical social issue. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively in fields related to domestic and family violence, intimate partner violence, and gendered violence against women.

What Students Will Learn

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of what constitutes family and domestic violence (FDV)
  • Be able to identify risk indicators of FDV
  • Understand various abusive patterns of behavior, including coercive control, gaslighting, and technology-facilitated abuse
  • Develop a deep appreciation of the impact of FDV on victims, with a special focus on minority groups
  • Learn about the legal aspects of FDV, including the grave issue of intimate partner homicide
  • Acquire knowledge about the prevalence and societal costs of FDV


This is an introductory-level course with no specific prerequisites. It is designed to be accessible to anyone interested in learning about family and domestic violence, regardless of their background or prior knowledge.

Course Coverage

  • Definition and recognition of family and domestic violence (FDV)
  • Risk indicators and warning signs of FDV
  • Abusive patterns of behavior, including coercive control and gaslighting
  • Technology as a tool for abuse
  • Impact of FDV on victims, with a focus on minority groups
  • Legal aspects of FDV and intimate partner homicide
  • Prevalence and societal costs of FDV

Who This Course Is For

  • Social workers and counselors
  • Law enforcement professionals
  • Healthcare providers
  • Educators and school administrators
  • Community leaders and activists
  • Students pursuing careers in social services or criminal justice
  • Anyone interested in understanding and addressing domestic violence issues

Real-World Applications

  • Identifying and supporting potential victims of domestic violence in professional or personal settings
  • Developing and implementing prevention strategies in communities
  • Advocating for policy changes to address FDV
  • Providing informed support to friends or family members who may be experiencing abuse
  • Collaborating with law enforcement and social services to improve responses to FDV cases
  • Creating awareness campaigns to educate the public about FDV


Module 1: What is abuse?

Module 2: Prevalence of family and domestic violence

Module 3: Aspects and impacts of family and domestic violence

Module 4: Coercive control and Gaslighting

Module 5: Family and domestic violence in minority groups

Module 6: Technological abuse and Non-fatal strangulation

Module 7: Fatal consequences: Intimate partner homicide

Module 8: Where to from here?

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of family and domestic violence, providing you with the tools to make a real difference in your community and beyond. Don't miss this opportunity to gain crucial knowledge and skills in a field that touches countless lives.