RWTHTUMx: Fundamentals of Communication Acoustics

RWTHTUMx: Fundamentals of Communication Acoustics


Communication Acoustics

An intermediate-level engineering course by RWTHTUMx, TUMx, and RWTHx

Course Description

Welcome to the fascinating world of Communication Acoustics! This intermediate-level engineering course, offered by RWTHTUMx, TUMx, and RWTHx, delves deep into the intricate realm of sound transmission and reception. Taught by leading experts from Germany's top Universities of Technology, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of how sounds travel from a source to a receiver through various channels.

What students will learn

  • Fundamentals of physical acoustics
  • Speech acoustics
  • Psychoacoustics
  • Signals and systems
  • Communication system components in various contexts
  • Speech Acoustics and Hearing Acoustics
  • Electroacoustics
  • The Human Auditory System
  • Digital Audio Processing methods
  • Current research trends in communication acoustics


To succeed in this course, students should have a basic understanding of:

  • Fundamentals of signals and systems
  • Linearity and time invariance concepts
  • The Fourier transform
  • Digital filters

Course Content

  • Physical acoustics principles
  • Speech production and perception
  • Hearing mechanisms and psychoacoustics
  • Signal processing in acoustic systems
  • Electroacoustic devices and their applications
  • Human auditory system anatomy and function
  • Digital audio processing techniques
  • Current research and innovations in communication acoustics

Who this course is for

  • Engineering students specializing in acoustics, audio, or communications
  • Professionals working in audio-related industries
  • Researchers in the field of acoustics and signal processing
  • Anyone with a strong interest in the science of sound and communication

Real-world Applications

The knowledge gained from this course has numerous practical applications:

  • Designing and improving audio systems for various environments
  • Developing speech recognition and synthesis technologies
  • Creating more effective hearing aids and audio assistive devices
  • Enhancing sound quality in telecommunications and broadcasting
  • Implementing noise reduction techniques in various settings
  • Advancing the field of human-computer interaction through voice interfaces
  • Improving acoustic design in architecture and urban planning
  • Contributing to the development of virtual and augmented reality audio experiences

This course not only provides a solid foundation in communication acoustics but also prepares students for the follow-up course, "Applications in Communication Acoustics," offering a complete educational journey in this exciting field.

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