State-Bank-of-India: Leadership Mantra from Ancient India

State-Bank-of-India: Leadership Mantra from Ancient India

by State Bank of India

Leadership Skills from Hitopadesha

Course Description

Embark on a fascinating journey through ancient Indian wisdom with our course, "Leadership Skills from Hitopadesha." This unique offering draws from the rich tradition of Indian 'Gurukuls' and presents timeless leadership principles from the 12th-century text 'Hitopadesha.' Through a blend of Sanskrit shlokas, storytelling, and real-life examples, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of leadership skills that are as relevant today as they were centuries ago.

What Students Will Learn

  • Internalize leadership concepts through the unique ancient Indian approach
  • Handle diverse situations with confidence and ease
  • Build and manage successful teams
  • Master the art of collaboration
  • Apply leadership principles to succeed in all areas of life


There are no specific prerequisites for this course. It is designed for middle-level officials in managerial positions, as well as promising school and college students who are potential leaders. A basic understanding of English is required, as the course is conducted in English.

Course Coverage

  • Ancient Indian leadership principles from 'Hitopadesha'
  • The four key aspects of leadership: acquiring friends, separating favorites, disputing, and making peace
  • Practical leadership skills and their application in modern contexts
  • Self-assessment and personal development
  • Strategic thinking and decision-making
  • Crisis management and conflict resolution
  • Collaboration and team-building techniques
  • Ethical considerations in leadership

Who This Course Is For

  • Middle-level managers looking to enhance their leadership skills
  • Aspiring leaders in various fields
  • Students interested in developing leadership qualities early in their careers
  • Professionals seeking a unique perspective on leadership
  • Anyone interested in ancient Indian wisdom and its application to modern management

Real-World Application of Skills

  • Improving team dynamics and productivity in the workplace
  • Navigating complex business relationships and negotiations
  • Making ethical decisions in challenging situations
  • Building strong professional networks and alliances
  • Managing conflicts and resolving disputes effectively
  • Adapting leadership styles to different organizational cultures
  • Inspiring and motivating team members to achieve common goals
  • Implementing strategic changes in organizations
  • Enhancing personal growth and self-awareness


Module 1 – 'Mitralabha': Acquisition of a Friend

  • What should a leader know?
  • How should a leader treat the team?
  • How should a leader behave?
  • Self-assessment

Module 2 – 'Suhridbheda': The Separation of a Favourite

  • What is wrong?
  • What is right?
  • Which policies to adopt?
  • Self-assessment

Module 3 – 'Vigraha': Disputing

  • What traits are required?
  • How does a strategy help?
  • How to behave during crises?
  • Self-assessment

Module 4 – 'Sandhi': Making Peace

  • With whom should one collaborate?
  • With whom should one not collaborate?
  • What should the leader be careful of?
  • Self-assessment

Learning Materials

The course utilizes a diverse range of learning materials, including videos, recorded audio clips, faculty-led lectures, examples, stories, cases, self-assessment tests, and assignments to ensure a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.

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