UAMx: Introducción al desarrollo de aplicaciones web

UAMx: Introducción al desarrollo de aplicaciones web

by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

About this Course

This online course offers a comprehensive guide on web application development, focusing on the creation of a social networking platform from scratch. By understanding and utilizing a range of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, Python, JSON, JavaScript, and Ajax, participants will gain hands-on experience in both client and server-side development.

Throughout the course, the Flask library will be used to efficiently build modular web applications on the server side, while the client side will leverage JavaScript to enhance interactivity. This setup provides an in-depth understanding of the client-server architecture that underpins modern web services.

Course Description

Explore the fascinating world of web applications with this introductory course. Designed by UAMx, it empowers you to build your own social network using various web technologies. You will not only learn the theoretical aspects but also apply them practically by programming in Python with Flask and enhancing user interfaces with JavaScript.

What Students Will Learn

  • Understand the technologies used in web application development.
  • Master the general features and client-server architecture of web applications.
  • Learn the basics of HTML, CSS, Python, JSON, JavaScript, and Ajax in web development.


Students are expected to have prior programming knowledge in any language and familiarity with development environments such as PyCharm.

Course Coverage

  • Introduction to Web Technologies
  • Client-server Architecture
  • Building a Social Network
  • Server-side development using Flask
  • Client-side interactivity with JavaScript

Who This Course Is For

This course is ideal for individuals with some programming background who aspire to develop web applications or enhance their understanding of server and client-side technologies.

Real-world Application of Skills

After completing this course, learners will be able to design and implement functional web applications, an essential skill for numerous career paths in the tech industry, such as web developer, backend developer, and full-stack engineer.


  • Module 1: Web Development Basics & Tools
  • Module 2: Understanding Client-Server Architecture
  • Module 3: Developing the Server Side with Flask
  • Module 4: Enhancing the Client Side with JavaScript
  • Module 5: Final Project - Building a Social Network
Course Page   UAMx: Introducción al desarrollo de aplicaciones web