LouvainX: Introduction to Conflict Management

LouvainX: Introduction to Conflict Management

by Université catholique de Louvain

Course Description

The Conflict Management course provides vital skills and insights to effectively handle conflicts in both professional and personal settings. By mastering these strategies, individuals enhance their professional efficiency and contribute positively to their well-being and those around them.

What Students Will Learn

  • Analyze and model situations of divergence and conflict.
  • Adopt a critical posture regarding oneself and others’ conflict styles.
  • Get acquainted with various conflict management strategies.

Pre-requisites or Skills Necessary

There are no specific prerequisites for this course. It is suitable for anyone interested in enhancing their conflict management skills.

Course Coverage

  • Understanding Conflict: Dynamics and Impacts
  • Styles and Strategies for Conflict Management
  • Practical Tools for Handling Disputes
  • Enhancing Personal and Professional Relations through Effective Conflict Resolution

Who This Course is For

This course is tailored for professionals who face conflicts in their daily work environment and individuals wanting to improve their interpersonal relationships through better conflict management skills.

Real-World Application

Skills acquired from this course can lead to improved management of interpersonal tensions, reduced workplace conflicts, and enhanced productivity. These strategies will also promote better mental health by equipping individuals with the tools to manage personal conflicts effectively.


  • Introduction to Conflict Management
  • The Nature of Conflicts: Causes and Effects
  • Conflict Resolution Techniques and Their Applications
  • Case Studies and Role-Playing Exercises
  • Evaluation and Feedback
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