Advanced Semiconductor Devices

A Comprehensive Graduate-Level Course

Course Description

This advanced graduate-level course offers a comprehensive exploration of semiconductor devices, providing students with a deep understanding of the physics, analysis, and design principles behind transistors, diodes, solar cells, and other essential electronic components. Primarily tailored for electrical engineering students, this course combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, enabling learners to quantitatively analyze device performance and design semiconductor devices to meet specific criteria.

What Students Will Learn

  • Explain the working principles and physical processes of various semiconductor devices
  • Relate device performance to materials and design criteria
  • Understand and speak the "language" of device engineers
  • Analyze and characterize semiconductor devices
  • Design semiconductor devices based on specific performance requirements
  • Gain a solid foundation for engaging in device research


  • An undergraduate degree in electrical and computer engineering or a similar field
  • Knowledge of vector algebra and differential equations
  • Familiarity with mathematical scripting languages (e.g., Python, Jupyter, MATLAB, Octave)

Course Content

  • Solid-state device fundamentals
  • Semiconductor materials and crystal structures
  • Quantum mechanics and band structure
  • Carrier statistics and doping
  • Recombination and generation processes
  • Transport phenomena in semiconductors
  • PN junctions and diodes
  • MOS capacitors and MOSFETs
  • Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs)
  • Heterojunction devices
  • Advanced semiconductor device concepts and challenges

Who This Course Is For

  • Graduate-level electrical engineering students interested in semiconductor devices and their applications in circuits and systems
  • Technology users seeking a deeper understanding of the physics behind semiconductor devices
  • Professionals looking to transition into semiconductor technology development
  • Researchers or engineers from related fields wanting to gain insights into the electrical engineering perspective on semiconductors

Real-World Applications

  • Designing and optimizing electronic devices for improved performance
  • Developing new semiconductor technologies for emerging applications
  • Troubleshooting and enhancing existing electronic systems
  • Contributing to research and development in the semiconductor industry
  • Advancing fields such as renewable energy (e.g., solar cells), telecommunications, and computing
  • Collaborating with interdisciplinary teams on cutting-edge technology projects


Week 1: Introduction to solid-state devices and semiconductor materials
Week 2-4: Quantum mechanics, band structure, and electronic properties of semiconductors
Week 5-7: Carrier statistics, doping, and recombination-generation processes
Week 8: Transport phenomena in semiconductors
Week 9-10: PN junctions and diodes
Week 11-12: MOS capacitors, MOSFETs, and modern MOSFET challenges
Week 13-14: Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs)
Week 15: Heterojunction bipolar transistors and advanced concepts

Throughout the course, students will complete two projects, nine homework assignments, 31 online quizzes, and one proctored exam to assess their understanding and application of the material.