The stakes are high in health care – the ability to negotiate and manage conflict is crucial for effective physician leadership. As the health care landscape faces constant ongoing change, the need for strong leadership skills has never been more critical.
Health care organizations are uniquely complex with a range of stakeholders, which can make decision-making particularly challenging. It can be difficult to gain the consensus to make decisions – and to get the buy-in for lasting outcomes. Managing in such a dynamic environment demands a diversified set of high-level skills from physician leaders that spans the ability to effectively and strategically negotiate and manage conflict.
This online program is designed to build on the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health approach to management and decision-making models. It will provide cutting-edge learning and training, empowering you to develop the skills and confidence to tackle the most challenging situations you face as a leader. Harvard faculty will enhance your ability to think and act strategically, adopt innovative management approaches, and face the most complex situations and conversations with greater confidence.
Harvard faculty will use a combination of learning approaches such as teaching mini case studies, interactive classroom discussions, and helping you apply newly learned skills to real work situations.
By the end of the program, you will have built the confidence and developed the skills necessary to be more effective at managing conflict, having difficult conversations, and negotiating with others.