From Crypto to the Metaverse: Blockchain Applications in Real Estate | Harvard University

From Crypto to the Metaverse: Blockchain Applications in Real Estate | Harvard University

by Harvard

In recent years, we have witnessed the incredible boom (and subsequent burst) of digital cryptocurrencies, made possible by the popularization of their underlying technology: Blockchain. Blockchain and its applications have proven to be incredibly divisive, with believers defending it as the most revolutionizing invention since the internet, while detractors demonize it as fueling a world-wide Ponzi scheme. What real potential lies in Blockchain technology beneath the current layer of speculation and hype? And will it also help disrupt the current status quo in Real Estate?

This seminar will be a non-technical introduction to Blockchain technology. The main focus will be to understand how Blockchain works conceptually, its relation to systems like Cryptocurrencies, NFTs and Metaverses, and what potential impact it may have in the Real Estate industry. We will discuss topics such as decentralization, trust, smart contracts, present case studies, and speculate on the business opportunities that still remain unexplored.

Course Page   From Crypto to the Metaverse: Blockchain Applications in Real Estate | Harvard University
$450 - $500
January 31 - January 31, 2024