Introduction to Creative Exploration on the Web | Harvard University

Introduction to Creative Exploration on the Web | Harvard University

by Harvard

Are you a visual thinker, an aspiring designer, digital media student, or artistic professional looking to build more immersive, interactive, and expressive content for the web? Are you completely new to programming and eager to experience a more visual approach? Perhaps you're someone who has struggled with the algorithms, data structures, and technical complexity of a more conventional computer science class, but still wants to learn to code for the web? If so, welcome to this course. It focuses on a highly interactive, audiovisual approach to programming. Using the easy to understand language syntax of the P5JS JavaScript library, we create digital sketches that provide immediate visual feedback to the web page. With each lesson, students build skills and tackle increasingly complex creative challenges. By semester's end, students leave with enough programming knowledge to create their own data visualizations, natural systems, games, media mashups, or artistic expressions on the web. They are also well prepared to continue on to more advanced programming courses.

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