Sustainable Business in the Twenty-First Century | Harvard University

Sustainable Business in the Twenty-First Century | Harvard University

by Harvard

This course explores corporate sustainability through a collaboration with Harvard Business School Online. Leveraging HBS Online materials, including videos and case studies, we explore a variety of critical questions about how corporations are key actors in the drive towards a sustainable world. The course is organized around three modules from the HBS Online course Sustainable Business Strategy. These three modules (the business case for change, driving change at scale, and purpose driven systemic change) are expanded upon with guest speakers, real world case studies, and in-depth discussions. Each week students analyze examples from companies in a variety of industries to show how sustainability is integrated into their business models and to explore what opportunities still exist for companies to improve. The course uses case studies from publicly traded companies, augmented by links to various forms of information for students to compare and contrast throughout the semester. Information is presented from academic research, white papers published by respected scholars and experts, and the actual disclosures of major multinational companies. The case method is used to provide a participative and realistic forum that enables students to learn about sustainability while also developing the skills to use the information. In addition to receiving course credit, students who successfully complete this course for undergraduate or graduate credit can earn a certificate of completion from Harvard Business School Online.

Course Page   Sustainable Business in the Twenty-First Century | Harvard University
January 23 - May 11, 2024
Degree Credit