Make Miniature Books: Bookbinding for Beginners
Do you love books? Do you adore tiny things? Join me in this class where we make miniature sketchbooks together and develop our bookbinding skills.
- Difficulty Level
- Introductory
Do you love books? Do you adore tiny things? Join me in this class where we make miniature sketchbooks together and develop our bookbinding skills.
Do you love books? Do you adore tiny things? Join me in this class where we make miniature sketchbooks together and develop our bookbinding skills.
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If you have ever struggled to start and maintain a sketchbook practice then this class is for you. My hope is that my very simple and straightforward approach to sketchbooking will help you all get going with a really fulfilling sketchbook practice. I struggled to figure out how to use a sketchbook myself for many year. I would pick up a sketchbook on and off but never really committed to it or understood its importance. But now I have finally at least cracked the code for how I personally like to work. Maybe my process will inspire you as well :) In this 3 part sketchbook series I am going to be breaking down my process of using a sketchbook to better my illustration skills, play and develop ideas.
Design creative compositions with Procreate! We’ll create digital illustrations inspired by nature! You’ll learn how composition fundamentals work to design powerful compositions in your drawings. We'll train our eyes for composition, practice with composition guidelines, learn many tips and tricks to help you create poster illustrations on your iPad.
We will explore the kind of sketchbook page that records the moments of your daily life with little drawings of the things that happen during your day. Sometimes, those are exciting things, but most times, they are only exciting because you chose to remember them. Reading these books in the future is like opening a time capsule. Each page takes you back to those entertaining moments that would be forever forgotten if you had not sketched them. Our project will be to complete a sample page of this type, and learn a lot of art tips along the way. You will appreciate even the little things because you will noticing them.
By practicing drawing and painting everyday, this class aims to help you to be inspired to create, maintain a working practice that is suited to you and learn lots of tips on how to successfully fill your sketchbook. Your collection of sketches can be the stepping stone to creating larger pieces of finished artworks, or just be a beautiful journal that you can keep and refer to.