About This Course

This course offers an in-depth look into the psychological factors that influence our daily decision-making processes. From simple decisions like what to wear, to more critical choices about personal relationships and career paths, this course explores how these decisions are not only a result of individual thought processes, but are also heavily influenced by social interactions and group dynamics. The aim is to deepen your understanding of these forces to enhance personal and professional decision making.

What You'll Learn

  • Understanding the significance of decision making in everyday life.
  • Exploring both intrapersonal and interpersonal factors influencing decisions.
  • Analyzing cognitive and motivational processes that impact decision-making.
  • Examining the influence of others' actions and words on personal decisions.
  • Investigating the effect of group dynamics on decision making.
  • Understanding how intergroup relations like stereotypes and prejudice affect decisions.

Course Prerequisites

To be prepared for this course, students should have a high school reading level and some exposure to university-level courses or materials.

Course Coverage

  • Cognitive factors (e.g., schemas, biases)
  • Motivational influencers (e.g., psychological needs)
  • The role of other people in decision making
  • Group dynamics (e.g., conformity, groupthink)
  • Intergroup influences (e.g., discrimination, prejudice)

Who is This Course For?

This course is suitable for anyone interested in understanding the psychological aspects of decision making, whether for personal development, professional advancement, or academic purposes. It is particularly beneficial for employees seeking to understand decision-making processes within organizational settings, or parents interested in guiding their children's decision-making skills.

Real World Application of Skills

The knowledge gained from this course can be applied in various real-world contexts such as improving workplace decision-making processes, enhancing personal relationships through better understanding of social influences, and crafting more effective arguments and persuasion techniques. These skills can lead to more informed decisions that consider both individual needs and societal impacts.

Course Syllabus

  • Cognitive Influences on Decision Making (e.g., Heuristics and Biases, Attribution)
  • Motivational Influences on Decision Making (e.g., Need for Affiliation)
  • Influence of Other Individuals on Decision Making (e.g., Compliance and Obedience)
  • Influence of Groups on Decision Making (e.g., Groupthink, Group Polarization)
  • Intergroup Influences on Decision Making (e.g., Stereotypes, Prejudice, Discrimination)