Leadership in Small States: Punching Above Your Weight

Course Description

"Leadership in Small States: Punching Above Your Weight" is an enlightening and comprehensive course that explores the unique challenges and opportunities faced by small states in the global arena. This course delves into how clever leadership can transform a small state's size into an advantage when promoting national and international interests.

Through a multidisciplinary approach, the course covers various aspects of small state studies and leadership, including public administration, foreign and security policies, gender equality, and international diplomacy. Taught by an outstanding team of scholars from prestigious institutions across Europe, this course offers a rich and diverse perspective on small state leadership.

What Students Will Learn

  • Understanding of small state studies and leadership concepts
  • Analysis of small states' positions in the international community
  • Insights into public administration and governance in small states
  • Characteristics of small states' foreign and security policies
  • Small states' leadership in gender equality and normative issues
  • Challenges and opportunities in international diplomacy for small states


No specific prerequisites are required for this introductory-level course. However, a general interest in political science, international relations, and public administration would be beneficial.

Course Coverage

  • Introduction to small state studies and leadership
  • Public administration and governance in small states
  • Foreign and security policy of small states
  • Small state leadership in gender policy
  • Small state diplomacy and international leadership

Who This Course Is For

  • Students of political science, international relations, and public administration
  • Government officials and diplomats from small states
  • Policy makers interested in small state dynamics
  • Anyone curious about how small states navigate global politics

Real-World Applications

  • Developing effective leadership strategies for small organizations or countries
  • Improving diplomatic and negotiation skills in international settings
  • Enhancing understanding of global politics and small state dynamics
  • Applying innovative approaches to public administration in resource-constrained environments
  • Advocating for gender equality and other normative issues on the international stage


  • Module 1: Introduction to Leadership in Small States
  • Module 2: Leadership in Public Administration and Governance
  • Module 3: Small States Leadership in Foreign and Security Policy
  • Module 4: Small State Leadership in Gender Policy
  • Module 5: Small State Foreign Policy - Taking Leadership in International Diplomacy