Introduction to Robotics

This class covers relevant results from geometry, kinematics, statics, dynamics, motion planning, and control, providing the basic methodologies and tools in robotics research and applications. Concepts and models are illustrated through physical robot platforms, interactive robot simulations, and video segments relevant to historical research developments or to emerging application areas in the field. (This course is cross listed with ME320.)

You Will Be Able To

  • Design a robot with an optimal workspace
  • Model a robot to sufficient precision
  • Implement and tune a robot motion controller that exposes desired behavior
  • Implement and tune a compliant robot motion/force controller that exposes desired behavior
  • Implement and tune a vision-based robot motion controller that is robust to noise
  • Assess limitations of traditional, model-based approaches, visualize these failure cases, and propose an approach on how they can be addressed (as assessed by bonus exercises in homework assignments)

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