iSTEP Institute: Inquiry into the Stanford Teacher Education Program

During the week-long Institute, teams of teacher educators based in universities and their partners in K-12 schools from all over the world explore how the underlying principles of powerful teacher education are instantiated in the context of the program at Stanford University. In a very full, interesting and challenging week, these educators are involved in discussions with some of Stanford’s top faculty, engage with teacher candidates, tour K-12 schools to meet cooperating teachers and administrators, and learn from an experienced and helpful STEP staff. The Institute culminates with participating teams designing action plans that apply some of STEP’s principles to their local contexts. These action plans include timelines and accountability references to be shared with all participants on the final day of the Institute.

The primary purpose of the iSTEP Institute is for teams of international educators to:

  • share their understanding of the principles of consequential teacher education
  • have the opportunity to closely examine a robust program.
  • plan enhancements for their own programs in the company of colleagues

During the week participants will:

Examine Principles of Powerful Teacher Education
Participants spend time each day at the CERAS building (Center for Educational Research at Stanford), STEP’s home at Stanford, analyzing the core principles and practices of STEP. Throughout the week, participants observe STEP classes to see how scholarship and practice connect and to meet with Stanford Graduate School of Education faculty. Some sessions are organized by subject area; others by specific program activities (e.g., how to select and develop quality clinical placements). Participants also attend a STEP supervisory meeting, weekly consultations between small groups of STEP teacher candidates and their university supervisors.

Experience STEP Clinical Placements
Participants spend three mornings visiting STEP’s K-12 partner schools to observe STEP teacher candidates in their clinical placements with cooperating teachers, as well as to meet with school administrators. Schools include small charter schools, large comprehensive reform-oriented high schools, comprehensive high schools with small learning communities, and diverse elementary schools.

Develop Networks
Throughout the week, participating teams are given the opportunity to meet and discuss how to apply some of the principles of powerful teacher education to their local contexts. On Friday, participants debrief and summarize their experiences during the week, as well as present their action plans and concrete timelines for the future. We celebrate the end of the Institute with a closing luncheon.


$2500 per person

Course Page   iSTEP Institute: Inquiry into the Stanford Teacher Education Program