History of the Americas: Central America and the Cold War


Join the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) and the Center to Support Excellence in Teaching (CSET) in summer 2020 for a professional development institute on Latin America and the Cold War.

Designed to support the History-Social Science Framework for California Schools for grades K-12, this institute explores the Cold War and how it affected, and was shaped by, Latin America. Expert Latin American Studies scholars will provide rich content knowledge on the lasting effects of the Cold War on Latin America, including the work of women and indigenous groups in rebuilding the social fabric while seeking justice.

Teachers will have the opportunity to experience being students again while deepening and broadening their content knowledge. An expert CSET Pedagogy Instructor will provide space for teachers to deepen their pedagogical practice in the area of student talk and  academic discussion. Time will be provided for teachers to develop lessons with their evolving content and instructional knowledge during the institute, building curriculum that encourages students to think critically about key historical events and navigate complex and often contradictory content.

Audience: Designed for middle school and high school History and Social Science teachers. Community college instructors also welcome.

What you will learn

  • How the Cold War affected and shaped parts of Latin America and the Caribbean
  • More about the underrepresented populations that tend to be invisible when discussing international relations, particularly with regard to the Cold War in Latin America
  • How the primary sources, literature, and texts with which we interact can build a curriculum that reflects the revised history-social science framework
  • How to increase the quality and quantity of student talk in the classroom


Please direct questions to Molly Aufdermauer, CLAS Public Engagement Coordinator, at [email protected].

$199 (Subsidized fee as a result of U.S. Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center grant funding.)

This course is a virtual offering.