A 5-day intensive institute from July 26-30, 2021 supported by a year-long follow-up. Please note that we expect several international registrants spanning multiple timezones. Further specifics about daily start and end times will be made available soon. Contact Javier Heinz with any questions.
Course Details
The goal of the Instructional Leaders Institute is to introduce school leaders to our practice-based approach to professional learning and engage them in learning experiences that will help them support and build teacher capacity in their own school contexts. Over the course of the school year, participants will have multiple opportunities to participate in virtual whole group sessions that will provide continuous learning experiences that will build on what they have learned over the summer. These sessions will focus on supporting participants in applying what they have learned back at their schools, provide new learning based on what participants need, and will also maintain the professional community that they have developed over the course of the program.
What you will learn
- Engage others in professional learning focused on high-leverage, equitable teaching practices.
- Design learning experiences for adult learners that provide a supportive environment to try out and integrate new teaching practices.
- Center the human experience of all teachers and students with whom they work.
- Understand transformational learning in their contexts and make strategic choices to support it.