Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity

In this course we will seek to understand Einstein, especially focusing on the special theory of relativity that Albert Einstein, as a twenty-six year old patent clerk, introduced in his miracle year of 1905. Our goal will be to go behind the myth-making and beyond the popularized presentations of relativity in order to gain a deeper understanding of both Einstein the person and the concepts, predictions, and strange paradoxes of his theory. Some of the questions we will address include: How did Einstein come up with his ideas? What was the nature of his genius? What is the meaning of relativity? What's special about the special theory of relativity? Why did the theory initially seem to be dead on arrival? What does it mean to say that time is the fourth dimension? Can time actually run more slowly for one person than another, and the size of things change depending on their velocity? Is time travel possible, and if so, how? Why can't things travel faster than the speed of light? Is it possible to travel to the center of the galaxy and return in one lifetime? Is there any evidence that definitively confirms the theory, or is it mainly speculation? Why didn't Einstein win the Nobel Prize for the theory of relativity?


Dr. Larry Lagerstrom Associate Dean & Director of Stanford Summer Session, Stanford Continuing Studies

Who is this class for

This course is open to anyone willing to put in some time and effort to understand Einstein and his special theory of relativity. Although it will help you to have a basic understanding of algebra, much of the analysis is qualitative or only semi-quantitative. In addition, a math review video lecture is provided at the beginning of the course.

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