Exploiting and Protecting Web Applications

Web applications are vulnerable to many types of attacks to which traditional client-server applications are not as susceptible. These vulnerabilities, over the past several years, have resulted in attacks that have exposed companies to monetary losses and reputational damage.

In this online course, you’ll learn about these vulnerabilities and the techniques that you can use to mitigate risks. You’ll use an interactive virtual lab in which you’ll be given an opportunity to identify flaws and manipulate systems, exercise your hacker-prevention skills, and perform ethical hacking.

  • Prevent attacks of your web applications with input validation, output escaping, signatures, message authentication codes, and frame busting
  • Identify, prevent, and mitigate command injection attacks, such as SQL injections
  • Differentiate between cross-site scripting attacks and cross-site request forgeries, and appropriate prevention and mitigation methods
  • Protect your websites by eliminating insecure HTML 5 inputs
  • Allow users to browse your web safely using correct and secure integrated HTTPS
  • Prevent theft of your clients’ data by correctly setting cookies and session tokens

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