Cybersecurity and Executive Strategy

Open any news site and you’re bound to find a recent story about a devastating cybersecurity attack. However, many senior-level managers don’t understand the technical aspects of cybersecurity, and as a result, they often allocate insufficient amounts of resources necessary to mitigate risk.

In this online cybersecurity strategy course, you’ll learn how to explain to all levels of management, including both technical and non-technical executive leadership, why cybersecurity must be a priority. You’ll learn how to educate and influence senior management so that security and risk mitigation becomes a primary component of corporate strategy.

  • Explain cybersecurity risks and solutions to your board of directors or management
  • Distinguish between proactive and reactive cybersecurity management strategies
  • Protect your company and save resources by strategically deploying and managing patches
  • Make informed decisions by correctly assessing risks, and estimating probabilities and impacts of incidents
  • Develop a company-wide approach to prevention, detection, containments, and recovery from incidents
  • Understand cyber insurance

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