Emerging Technologies: Designing Strategy and Forecasting Disruption

You can’t predict the future. Technologies, markets, and industries are constantly evolving. But as a leader, you can make smart decisions today that poise your company for success tomorrow.

In this 2.5 day, on-campus workshop, you’ll learn how to make informed business decisions that consider the opportunities and threats of disruptive technologies. Stanford faculty and Silicon Valley tech innovators will guide you through interactive labs and hands-on design challenges that address social, political, and technological implications of emerging innovations. By the end of the program, you’ll walk away with your own 5-year forecasting framework, unique to your industry and business, that will help you make impactful contributions to your company’s innovation strategy.

  • Learn how the leading technology researchers frame important research questions that drive technology innovation.
  • Assess the implications of technology adoption from both a market and a societal perspective.
  • Anticipate and preempt challenges to your markets and adapt your strategies as new technologies emerge and are adopted.
  • Identify and plan for risks and opportunities for your organization.

Program Components

Experienced Faculty and Researchers
Learn insights from experts who have shaped the tech landscape and developed innovations currently impacting our markets. They’ll be covering some of the most impactful advancements - from artificial intelligence to human-robot interaction.
On-campus Lab Visits
Immerse yourself in cutting-edge innovations and witness emerging technologies in action with exclusive visits to Stanford research labs. Discover where innovations in areas like biology and mechatronics, and assistive robotics are born.
Hands-on Design Challenges
Apply the knowledge you learn in lectures through design challenges that simulate real-world scenarios. Each class will be followed by a lab visit and interactive exercises based on real-life scenarios across industries.
Peer Interaction and Networking
Build connections, engage in discussions, and expand your network with a diverse cohort of professionals. You'll gain valuable insights and perspectives from individuals spanning a variety of job functions and industries related to innovation and technology

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