Building an AI-Enabled Organization

In this digital transformation course, you will explore the world of artificial intelligence (AI) from an organizational viewpoint and discover how AI drives the evolution of digital transformation. You’ll see how leading professionals are utilizing AI in their companies to create superior customer experiences and increase operational efficiency. Through real-world examples, you’ll learn proven tips and tools to build an AI business strategy, optimized for your company’s size, industry, and data management capabilities.

  • Leverage data to drive value in your organization
  • Identify, prioritize, and frame AI technologies around your organizational needs
  • Assess key factors involved in a successful AI implementation
  • Utilize the building blocks of AI to solve problems within your company and better connect with your customers

Course Outline

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
Get an introduction to artificial intelligence and its history. Hear from industry professionals about how artificial intelligence has led the way for digital transformation within their organizations.
Data and the Drivers of Value
Learn tips from industry leaders on how to become a data-driven company and move from desire to action with data.
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Explore the various definitions of artificial intelligence (AI), the types of AI, and the benefits and limitations of AI. Learn about the foundational building blocks of AI and its strong connection to machine learning.
The AI Organization
Examine the phases of an AI execution strategy: the organizational vision and the data strategy. Learn the meaning of an AI-driven organization and how to align that with your organizational goals. Explore data strategy and the importance of building an effective data architecture.
Putting your AI Strategies into Practice
Industry professionals explain how to best integrate AI into a startup, and how that strategy differs in established organizations. Learn how to mold your own strategy and how to execute it effectively. Explore the exciting future of artificial intelligence.

Course Page   Building an AI-Enabled Organization