Getting Buy-In for Your Ideas

You have an idea–a process improvement that will increase efficiency, an alternative meeting structure that will boost productivity, or maybe a new product feature that will bring in more customers. Here’s the problem: you can’t implement your idea alone. You need approval and resources from your boss… and your boss’ boss.

So how do you successfully champion bottom-up innovation when leadership’s time and attention are in high demand?

In this course, you’ll learn how to promote your ideas within an organization to empower innovation and drive change. Through examples and first-hand accounts from professionals in tech, consumer goods, and more, you’ll master methods for strategically framing your idea, gaining traction, gathering resources, and influencing decision-makers. You’ll walk away with actionable techniques you can immediately put to use to advocate for yourself and direct your organization’s attention toward new, innovative solutions.

  • Assess your company’s readiness to hear and support innovation
  • Identify and fine-tune your highest potential idea
  • Garner feedback, input, and support as you grow your idea
  • Align your idea with your company’s strategy and goals
  • Create a pre and post-pitch checklist to effectively sell your idea to leadership

Course Outline

Why Do We Need New Ideas?
Discover why new ideas, especially grassroots ideas, are so valuable for organizations. Assess your organization's readiness for innovation and identify the company strategies, cultures, and managerial processes that support innovation.
Idea and 3Ws
Define the foundational blocks for your idea: What’s the core of your idea? What motivates you to champion it? Why do we need it?
Fine Tune Your Idea
Follow guidelines and apply tools to refine your idea and maximize its potential.
How to Deliver Your Idea
Learn how to create visibility for your ideas, align them with your organization's strategy, and garner support from leadership. Discover the secrets to delivering a successful pitch.
Design for the Future
You’ve pitched your idea. Now what? Learn tips for the next steps, whether your idea was approved or rejected. Explore the long-term career value of advocating for your ideas.

Course Page   Getting Buy-In for Your Ideas