Understanding Cancer at the Genetic Level

Cancer occurs when abnormal cells of the body divide uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. As these cells multiply, genes are manipulated, and functions begin to change. Genetic research has been instrumental in developing leading methods to cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. In this course, you’ll explore the cutting-edge technology being developed for anti-cancer drugs and therapeutic strategies, as well as learn about how the history of cancer has shaped society, public health, and research.

  • Differentiate between sporadic and familial cancers to systemic and targeted level treatment studies
  • Distinguish multiple classes of genetic mutations such as drivers and passengers
  • Understand how alterations in various cell signaling pathways can lead to different cancers
  • Recognize genetic changes leading to tumor development, invasion, and metastasis
  • Understand the impact of telomeres on chromosome integrity

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