Bring group learning to your organization.
A component of Stanford’s Creativity and Design Thinking Program intended for groups, this workshop series provides teams the opportunity to learn together and develop a shared knowledge, language, and mindset to tackle the challenges ahead.
You’ll receive access to a series of three design-thinking workshops taught by Stanford faculty and a trainer toolkit and facilitator guide to help you facilitate your group’s extended learning. What’s more, you’ll get one-year of access to these workshops, using them as often as you like to train as many teams as you want and maximizing impact.
Intended for managers and trainers, we’ll set you up for success as you learn:
For more information, please contact our Enterprise Solutions team to help translate online learning into real impact.
The Stanford Teaching Team:
You will learn from a stellar team of seasoned professionals and academic instructors who make learning fun and apply real-world case studies to lessons to ensure you leave ready to hit the ground running.
Perry Klebahn, Adjunct Professor, Director of Executive Education, Stanford
Jeremy Utley, Adjunct Professor, Director of Executive Education, Stanford
Scott Doorley, Creative Director, Stanford
The Workshops:
You will gain year-long access to three interactive workshops, each approximately 2-4 hours in length, where you and your teams will learn how to master the art-and science-of design thinking and use it to address challenges specific to your work.
Ideation: How to Generate New Ideas
In this workshop, Perry and Jeremy will teach you and your team valuable techniques and approaches to generate new ideas - and LOTS of them. You and your team will be on your feet, post-its, and markers in hand, as your faculty guides help you apply 4 key tools to your projects in real time:
By the end of this session, you will have a reserve of viable ideas ready for workshop #2.
Prototyping: Fast and Frequent Testing of New Ideas
Prototyping is not only for designers and engineers. In this session, you and your group will learn how to bring your ideas to life through a wide variety of low-resolution prototypes: from role-playing activities to storyboards, from a wall of post-its to a gadget made of materials you can find at your desk. Why prototype?
This workshop will expand on the techniques you learned in Workshop #1 and help you test the ideas you generated. Once you've completed this workshop, get ready to practice techniques to amplify the "power messages" in presentations and create active audiences through the last workshop of the series.
Perry, Jeremy, and Scott will take you and your group through an interactive step-by-step process to create powerful presentations that draw the audience in. Get ready to practice techniques to amplify the "power messages" in presentations and create active audiences.