Business Model Innovation

Customer expectations are evolving. Market segments are becoming crowded and new technology is disrupting the way you’ve always done business. With all this change, how do you build and maintain a competitive advantage?

By investing in innovation—but not just product innovation. You need business model innovation: a thoughtful reexamining and redesigning of business operations to deliver more value to customers while increasing profit or growth.

Join our Business Model Innovation course to see how companies like Airbnb, Tesla, Apple, and Android have evolved their business models to meet changing customer needs and stay ahead in a competitive landscape—and how you can do the same.

  • Learn a step-by-step process for designing and redesigning your business model
  • Use the Business Model Architecture framework as a lens to analyze your company’s value drivers, profit models, and company logic
  • Apply real-world examples of companies across industries evolving their business models to stay competitive
  • See the effects of digital transformation on business models
  • Examine the evolution, successes, and challenges of platform-based business models

Course Outline

What is a Business Model?
Examine what a business model is, why it's important, and how it's structured. Analyze the business model structures of two transportation companies, Zipcar and Robo-Tax.
Business Model Archetypes
Analyze business models of the hotel industry, and Airbnb specifically. Evaluate the business model development process and how Airbnb has navigated through that process to become an established player in the industry.
Business Model Technologies and Digital Transformation
Using the example of Tesla, you will examine the changing landscape of the auto industry and how these changes have pushed the evolution of the business model frameworks in this sector.
Platform Business Models
Platform business models are becoming more popular as digital transformation continues to grow. Learn about the history of platforms and their unique business model architecture.
Platform Ecosystems
Using Apple and Google as examples, you will analyze how platform ecosystems evolve, what makes them successful, and where their biggest challenges lie.

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