Negotiation: How to Get (More of) What You Want

Effective leaders and change-makers are effective negotiators. They negotiate on behalf of their team, their ideas, and their own careers to reach agreements, achieve objectives, and strengthen their relationships. In this course, you will learn how to be an effective negotiator and secure more of what you want in life. You will master the components of effective negotiations, analyze your own behavior, and practice your negotiation skills.

  • Manage the negotiating process from start to finish
  • Predict the behavior of individuals in competitive situations
  • Drive and influence the actions of your counterpart
  • Develop a strategic plan to improve your ability to negotiate

Course Outline

What is Negotiation?
Explore the definition of negotiation, and how to see negotiation as an opportunity rather than a barrier. Negotiations, when used effectively, can be used for problem-solving and can become a comfortable and common interaction.
The Choice to Negotiate
Negotiation is always a choice, and there are reasons for and against it depending on the situation. Examine the challenge of negotiation, the cost of negotiation, and reasons to not negotiate.
Negotiation Infrastructure and the Power of Expectations
Learn how to assess the quality of a good deal. Examine the difference between agreement and success, understand the importance of alternatives, and consider how gender stereotypes may influence the process.
Value Claiming and Value Creating
At the end of every successful negotiation value is created. Analyze exchange, value creation, and value claiming.
Mapping Out the Negotiation - What Do You Want?
Planning, preparation, and setting parameters are all important to consider when you want to create value.
Mapping Out the Negotiation - What Does Your Counterpart Want?
A negotiation is only finished when both sides can come to an agreement. Consider who your counterpart is, what they want, and how to merge your two perspectives.
Setting the Tone for the Negotiation
Before beginning a negotiation, it is important to set the tone. Examine how to create a collaborative tone and plan a pre-meeting.
Should You Make the First Offer?
Examine an important question in negotiation: Should you make the first offer? Analyze the scenarios of speaking first, rejection, acceptance, and extremes.
Managing the Negotiation
Focus on the ways to improve the information exchange. Learn how to think systematically about the exchange and create value in value claiming.
Influencing through Promises and Threats
Examine the two strategies of yoking and threats. As you watch the scenarios, consider the different influences of both strategies.
Making the Deal and Beyond
You've reached the end of your negotiation, and the question is: now what? Know your alternatives, understand the important steps to take before a "yes," and learn how to treat a negotiation post-mortem.

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