Product Management: Accelerated

Join us for a 10-week, accelerated version of our Product Management Program. This learning option covers a selection of key curricula from our self-paced Product Management Program courses, supplemented with robust live-virtual elements, peer-to-peer interaction, and ongoing coaching.

  • Define product requirements and develop a positioning strategy
  • Discover who your customers are and what they need
  • Produce a product requirements document (PRD / spec) and product roadmap
  • Manage a product lifecycle and run an operational sprint

Program Components

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Online Lectures and Exercises

Each week, you will watch approximately 5-7 hours of on-demand curriculum from our Product Management courses. Topics span core skills of product management, including the product lifecycle, team management, finance, marketing, user testing, and more.

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Personalized Feedback and Coaching

Throughout the 10-week program, you will receive ongoing support from our teaching team. Meet virtually with your advisor to talk through the curriculum and receive feedback on your assignments and project work.

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Webinars with Guest Speakers

Learn more about the real-life application of our program curriculum by attending live presentations from program faculty and/or industry experts. While live participation is encouraged, these webinars will be recorded so that you may also watch on-demand.

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Peer-to-Peer Discussion and Collaboration

Connect with fellow product management professionals! As a member of the program, you will have access to:

  • A Slack channel dedicated to your cohort
  • Virtual social mixers
  • A program completion celebration
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Group Project and Presentation

Product management is a team sport. Throughout the program, you will be working on a project with a group of your peers. On the 10th week of the program, you and your group will virtually present your project to the program instructors for feedback.

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