Course Description

This course, part of the Georgia Tech Online Master of Science in Computer Science program, introduces students to the first eight lessons of CS6750: Human-Computer Interaction. During the course, participants will begin their journey toward becoming proficient HCI practitioners and researchers. The course covers the fundamentals of HCI and its interrelation with user experience design, interface design, human factors engineering, and psychology. A deep dive into the practical and theoretical aspects of HCI prepares students for crafting effective user interfaces and engaging digital experiences across various domains like healthcare, education, and more.

What Students Will Learn

  • Understand the overarching goals and significance of human-computer interaction.
  • Explore the interplay between HCI and disciplines such as UX design, human factors engineering, and psychology.
  • Gain insights into HCI applications in various domains, including healthcare, education, and cybersecurity.
  • Learn about current and emerging HCI technologies such as VR, AR, and robotics.
  • Master different theoretical perspectives in HCI: behaviorist, cognitivist, and situationist views.
  • Understand user interaction dynamics, including the concepts of execution and evaluation gulfs.
  • Apply principles of direct manipulation to enhance user interface design.
  • Recognize the capabilities and limitations of human users concerning HCI.
  • Implement fundamental HCI design principles from notable experts in the field.


No prerequisites are necessary for this course, making it accessible to anyone with an interest in enhancing their understanding of human-computer interaction and interface design.

Course Coverage

  • The fundamentals of human-computer interaction and its relevance across various fields.
  • Insights into user roles and interaction views in interface design.
  • Deep dives into the gulfs of execution and evaluation in user interfaces.
  • Understanding of human capabilities, including sensory and memory limitations.
  • Examination of essential HCI design principles for creating effective user interfaces.

Who This Course Is For

This course is suited for aspiring designers, front-end engineers, UX researchers, and anyone else interested in human-computer interaction, whether they are beginners or looking to enhance their existing skills in technology and interface design.

Utilizing Skills in Real-World Scenarios

Skills acquired from this course can be applied in myriad ways in the real world. Designers and developers can use learned principles to create more intuitive and engaging interfaces. UX researchers can better evaluate user satisfaction and interaction, influencing product design and improvement. Professionals in any tech-driven industry can leverage HCI principles to enhance user experience and operational efficiency, directly contributing to their workplace's success and innovation.