ColumbiaX: Public Health Advocacy Academy

ColumbiaX: Public Health Advocacy Academy

by Columbia University

Public Health Advocacy: Turning Evidence into Action

Course Description

"Public Health Advocacy: Turning Evidence into Action" is an innovative and empowering course designed to equip public health students and professionals with the essential skills needed to become effective advocates for change. This course bridges the gap between research and real-world impact by teaching students how to transform evidence-based knowledge into tangible policy changes, laws, and funding initiatives.

Led by a roster of distinguished experts and successful advocates in the field, this course offers a unique opportunity to learn from those who have made significant contributions to public health through their advocacy efforts. From tackling environmental issues to addressing healthcare inequities, the course covers a wide range of real-life public health examples that demonstrate the power of effective advocacy.

What Students Will Learn

  • The importance of advocacy as a core competency in public health
  • Strategies for identifying and researching policy issues
  • Tactics for developing and implementing successful advocacy campaigns
  • Power mapping and coalition-building techniques
  • Effective communication and movement-building strategies
  • Lobbying and legislative action processes
  • Skills for leading election campaigns and running for office
  • Methods for administrative advocacy and petition creation
  • Organizing boycotts and direct action initiatives
  • Basics of impact litigation and lawsuit filing


There are no specific prerequisites for this course. It is designed as an introductory-level course suitable for public health students and professionals at all stages of their careers.

Course Coverage

  • The role of advocacy in public health
  • Research and targeting strategies for policy issues
  • Public health advocacy tactics and strategies
  • Power mapping and stakeholder analysis
  • Coalition-building and communication techniques
  • Lobbying and legislative processes
  • Election campaigning and political engagement
  • Administrative advocacy and petition creation
  • Boycott organization and management
  • Legal approaches to advocacy, including impact litigation

Who This Course Is For

  • Public health students looking to enhance their advocacy skills
  • Public health professionals seeking to make a greater impact in their field
  • Anyone interested in learning how to effectively advocate for health-related policy changes
  • Individuals passionate about addressing public health issues through systemic change

Real-World Applications

The skills acquired in this course have immediate real-world applications. Learners will be able to:

  • Design and implement effective advocacy campaigns for public health issues
  • Engage with policymakers and stakeholders to influence health policy
  • Build and lead coalitions to address community health concerns
  • Run for public office or support health-focused political campaigns
  • Organize grassroots movements for public health initiatives
  • Utilize legal channels to advocate for health rights and policy changes
  • Effectively communicate public health research to diverse audiences for maximum impact


The course is structured into 5 modules and is designed to be completed in approximately 15 hours. While the course includes some theoretical content, its primary focus is on practical, action-oriented learning. The concise structure and manageable cognitive load are intentional, aiming to quickly prepare learners to confidently engage with elected officials and design effective advocacy campaigns.

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