CurtinX: Reputation Management in a Digital World

CurtinX: Reputation Management in a Digital World

by Curtin University

Managing Your Online Reputation

Course Description

Welcome to "Managing Your Online Reputation," an exciting and highly relevant course designed to equip you with the essential skills needed to navigate the dynamic world of digital communication and reputation management. As a communications manager for a fictional organization, you'll dive deep into the intricacies of building and maintaining a robust online presence in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

What You'll Learn

  • Building and sustaining a strong online reputation
  • Developing a participatory culture to engage audiences
  • Managing social media issues using real-life examples
  • Crisis management across multiple platforms
  • Understanding the role of various social platforms in business
  • Applying reputational management principles to online issues and crises


  • Basic understanding of marketing and public relations concepts
  • Familiarity with different online platforms
  • Intermediate-level knowledge of digital communication

Course Content

  • Corporate reputation in the digital age
  • Reputation and participatory culture
  • The changing media cycle in the online era
  • Managing and monitoring reputation online
  • Crisis response and reputation protection
  • Best practices in reputation management
  • Ethics and authenticity in corporate communication

Who Should Take This Course

This course is ideal for professionals working in or aspiring to work in:

  • Marketing
  • Communications
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media Management
  • Advertising

It's also valuable for business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in understanding the importance of online reputation management in today's digital world.

Real-World Applications

  • Developing effective social media strategies for businesses
  • Managing online crises and protecting brand reputation
  • Creating engaging content that resonates with target audiences
  • Implementing ethical practices in digital communication
  • Adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape
  • Building and maintaining strong relationships with stakeholders online
  • Enhancing career prospects in the fields of marketing, PR, and communications


Week 1: Corporate reputation in the digital age

  • Define corporate reputation and its importance
  • Examine the impact of the digital age on reputation management
  • Identify types of online reputational risks and distinguish between issues and crises

Week 2: Reputation and participatory culture

  • Understand participatory culture and its significance
  • Utilize audience as co-creators of brand stories
  • Develop strategies to build a strong participatory culture

Week 3: How online has changed the media cycle

  • Explore changes in the traditional media cycle
  • Examine the broader definition of "the media" in the digital age
  • Analyze the relationship between online and offline reputation

Week 4: Managing reputation online

  • Learn techniques for building a reputation through conversation and coverage
  • Develop strategies to protect reputation during adverse situations
  • Implement reputation monitoring and issue management techniques

Week 5: Protecting a Reputation: when it goes wrong, crisis response

  • Explore methods to embrace online negativity and criticism
  • Learn effective online crisis response strategies
  • Conduct post-crisis debriefings and evaluate responses

Week 6: Towards best practice reputation management

  • Examine the relationship between ethics and corporate reputation
  • Develop authentic communication strategies beyond the corporate voice
  • Compare best practices for building sustainable corporate brands online

This course is part of the CurtinX MicroMasters Credential in Marketing in a Digital World, offering a comprehensive education in this exciting and ever-evolving field.

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