MITx: Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics

MITx: Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics

by Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Advanced Course in Aerodynamics

Offered by MITx

Course Description

Welcome to this advanced course in Aerodynamics, offered by the prestigious MITx. This comprehensive program delves deep into the fascinating world of aerodynamic flows, providing students with a robust understanding of the physics, concepts, theories, and models that form the backbone of this discipline. The course places a strong emphasis on velocity field representation and modeling techniques, utilizing source and vorticity fields, as well as their sheet, filament, or point-singularity idealizations.

What Students Will Learn

  • Modeling and prediction of aerodynamic flows around wings and bodies
  • Quantification of viscous boundary layers' role in drag production and lift limitation
  • Optimization of lift distribution on aircraft wings
  • Analysis of experimental flow survey data for profile drag determination
  • Description of maneuvering aircraft motion and quantification of aerodynamic forces
  • Prediction of airloads on unsteady airfoils
  • Estimation of compressibility effects in high-speed aerodynamic flows


  • Basic mechanics
  • Vector calculus
  • Basic differential equations
  • Good familiarity with fluid mechanics concepts (pressure, density, velocity, stress, etc.)
  • Knowledge similar to the content in 16.101x (Introduction to Aerodynamics) is beneficial, though not mandatory

Course Coverage

  • Velocity field representation and modeling techniques
  • Source and vorticity fields
  • Sheet, filament, and point-singularity idealizations
  • Aerodynamic force analysis
  • Drag decomposition
  • Flow interference estimation
  • Computational methods for insight into flow behavior
  • Identification of primary aerodynamic forces on maneuvering aircraft
  • Overview of flight dynamics

Target Audience

  • Aerospace engineering students
  • Mechanical engineering students with an interest in fluid dynamics
  • Professionals in the aviation industry seeking to deepen their understanding of aerodynamics
  • Researchers in fluid mechanics and related fields
  • Anyone with a strong background in physics and mathematics who wants to explore advanced aerodynamics concepts

Real-World Applications

  • Aircraft design and optimization
  • Improvement of fuel efficiency in aviation
  • Development of more effective wind turbines
  • Enhanced performance in motorsports aerodynamics
  • Advancement of drone technology
  • Contribution to space exploration vehicle design
  • Improved understanding of weather patterns and atmospheric phenomena

Course Structure

  • Video lectures and worked problems available for viewing at any time
  • Weekly homework assignments with due dates
  • Two exams: one at the midpoint and one at the end of the course
  • "Concept Questions" - simple, multiple-choice questions completed during lectures
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