MITx: Genetics: Analysis and Applications

MITx: Genetics: Analysis and Applications

by Massachusetts Institute of Technology

About this course

This Advanced Genetics course, specifically titled 7.03x Genetics Course Series - Part II, dives deeper into the complex field of genetics, building on foundational knowledge in biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology acquired from introductory courses such as the 7.00x Introduction to Biology MOOC. Professors Peter Reddien and Mary Gehring will take you through an extensive exploration of genetic variations, how such variations are created both spontaneously in nature and through scientific intervention, and how scholars design and execute studies to uncover the genetic foundations of various traits and diseases.

What students will learn

  • Master the applications of genetics in daily life contexts.
  • Utilize appropriate genetic terminology in discussing complex concepts.
  • Select and justify genetic methods and techniques for specific research questions.
  • Analyze and classify different types of genetic mutations and their implications.
  • Identify strategies to discover or create targeted genetic mutations.
  • Understand the profound effects of genetic variations on organismal development and behavior.


This course requires a foundational understanding of undergraduate-level genetics and molecular biology. Prospective students should have completed courses such as 7.00x Introductory Biology and the first part of the genetics series 7.03.1x Genetics.

Course Coverage

  • An in-depth study of genetic variation and mutation.
  • Methodologies for genome editing and genetic analysis.
  • Implications of genetic research in medical and biological sciences.
  • Experimental design and interpretation in genetic studies.

Who this course is for

This course is ideal for students, researchers, and professionals in biology and life sciences who wish to gain a deeper understanding of genetics. It is particularly beneficial for those pursuing careers in medical research, genetic counseling, biotechnology, or academic teaching and research.

Skills Application in Real World

The skills and knowledge gained from this course can be directly applied in various professional fields including healthcare, where understanding genetic disorders and treatments is crucial; biotechnology, particularly in roles that involve gene editing and therapy; academic research, empowering educators and researchers with the ability to contribute cutting-edge knowledge to the genetics discipline; and in the agricultural sector, where genetic knowledge can lead to the development of more resilient crop varieties.


  • Studying the Genome: Comprehensive coverage of genomic structures and functions.
  • Understanding Genetic Variation: Exploration of the causes and consequences of genetic diversity.
  • Editing the Genome: Techniques and ethical considerations of genome editing.
  • Applications of Edited Genomes: Real-world applications and implications of genomic alterations.
  • Regulatory Pathways: Study of genetic regulatory mechanisms.
  • Insights Using Genetic Tools: Utilizing genetic tools for advanced research and discovery.
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