JaverianaX: Gobernanza de datos personales en la era digital

JaverianaX: Gobernanza de datos personales en la era digital

by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Gobernanza de Datos Personales en la Era Digital

Data Governance in the Digital Era

Offered by JaverianaX

Course Description

This online course is an advanced-level law course designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of data governance, the criteria that policymakers must consider when drafting or developing laws, regulations, or policies on data protection and privacy, as well as practical aspects of data governance programs.

The course explores how the continuous evolution of digital technologies has changed the ways personal data is processed, challenging the traditional paradigm of personal data protection. It addresses the complexities faced by legislators and data protection authorities in developing legal and regulatory frameworks that can keep pace with technology-based economic development while effectively protecting the rights and interests of data subjects.

What students will learn

  • The concept of personal data protection governance and its impact on digital society and economy
  • Key data protection issues for online policymakers
  • Challenges in creating and implementing compliance programs for data protection regulations
  • Corporate and organizational aspects of personal data governance
  • Trends and tensions in data protection in the digital era, including cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence


While there are no formal prerequisites, it is recommended that students take the "Protección de Datos Personales en la Era Digital" (Personal Data Protection in the Digital Era) course beforehand to gain a basic understanding of the concepts and better comprehend the contents of this advanced course.

Course Content

  • History and evolution of data protection and privacy across different regions and international instruments
  • Internet governance and corporate governance in data protection
  • Public policy perspectives on personal data protection and privacy
  • Transborder data flows and nationalistic approaches to personal data protection
  • Relationship between technology advancements and personal data protection
  • Regulatory compliance and organizational challenges in data protection
  • Risk assessment and management at the organizational level
  • International standards for data protection management and compliance programs
  • Data protection by design and by default
  • Information security
  • Challenges posed by new technologies such as cloud computing, IoT, blockchain, profiling, and facial recognition
  • Emerging developments in data protection, including federated learning, incognito mode, and the Data Transfer Project

Who this course is for

This course is ideal for legal professionals, policymakers, compliance officers, data protection specialists, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of data governance in the digital age. It is particularly suitable for those working in or aspiring to work in roles related to data protection, privacy, and digital policy.

Real-world Applications

  • Developing and implementing data protection policies and compliance programs in organizations
  • Advising on legal and regulatory aspects of data protection and privacy
  • Participating in the formulation of public policies related to data governance
  • Managing data protection risks in digital transformation projects
  • Navigating the complexities of international data transfers and cross-border data flows
  • Addressing emerging challenges in data protection posed by new technologies


Week 1: Personal Data Governance

  • Brief history of data protection and privacy
  • Evolution in the USA, EU, Latin America, and Asia-Pacific
  • Internet governance and corporate governance in data protection
  • Legitimate grounds for personal data processing

Week 2: Public Policy Issues on Data Protection

  • Personal data protection and privacy from a public policy perspective
  • Transborder information flows
  • Nationalistic approaches to personal data protection
  • Internet structures and diverse actors with different levels of responsibility
  • Relationship between technology and personal data protection
  • Regulatory approaches and international regulatory harmonization

Week 3: Regulatory and Normative Compliance on Data Protection

  • Corporate governance in personal data protection
  • Risk assessment and management at the organizational level
  • International standards for data protection management and compliance programs
  • Data protection by design and by default
  • Information security

Week 4: Towards a Data-Driven Society and Economy

  • Challenges posed by the Internet and new technologies
  • Cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain
  • Profiling and facial recognition (biometric data)
  • Emerging developments in data protection (federated learning, incognito mode, Data Transfer Project)
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