AI: Rust GUI Development for Linux

AI: Rust GUI Development for Linux

by Pragmatic AI Labs

Course Description

Learn to build graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Rust, a fast and memory-safe systems programming language. This 4-week course will guide you through setting up your Rust development environment to creating sophisticated GUI applications using various libraries and frameworks such as Iced, GTK, and eGUI.

What Students Will Learn

  • Setup and configuration of a Rust development environment on Kubuntu Linux.
  • Development of simple to complex GUI applications using the Iced library.
  • Exploration and application-building using other GUI frameworks like GTK and Relm4.
  • Game development skills in Rust, including games like Pong and Simon Says.
  • Creating interactive quizzes and implementing best practices in Rust GUI development.

Prerequisites or Skills Necessary

No previous experience with Rust is required, making this course suitable for beginners in Rust interested in GUI development.

Course Outline

  • Setting up Rust Development Environment on Linux
  • Building basic and complex GUI applications with Iced
  • Exploring GUI frameworks: GTK and Relm4
  • Game development: Pong and Simon Says
  • Quiz creation using eGUI

Who is This Course For?

This course is designed for individuals who are new to Rust or existing programmers who want to expand their skills into GUI development. It's perfect for students, hobbyists, or professional developers interested in building robust GUI applications in Rust.

Real-World Application

The skills learned in this course are applicable in various sectors including software development, game development, and any field requiring desktop applications with modern GUIs. Completing the course equips learners with both the theoretical and practical knowledge to undertake their own Rust projects or contribute to existing ones.


Week 1: Introduction to Rust GUI Programming

  • Setup of Rust development environment on Kubuntu Linux
  • Basics of the Iced GUI framework
  • Building a "Hello World" and a counter application in Iced
  • Creating a calculator application and its unit testing

Week 2: Advanced Iced Concepts & Building a To-Do App

  • Detailed exploration of Iced components and structuring large applications
  • Development of a to-do list application

Week 3: Exploring Other GUI Frameworks

  • Introduction to FLTK and development of a Pong game
  • Exploring GTK for building a password generator application

Week 4: Building Games & Quizzes with Relm4 and eGUI

  • Using the Relm4 framework to develop a Simon Says game
  • Creating interactive quizzes with the eGUI framework
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