About this Course

This course addresses the prevalent issue of cyberbullying, utilizing technology and social media to harm individuals through means such as threatening messages, embarrassing posts, or fake profiles. Insights into the wide-reaching and anonymous nature of cyberbullying will be discussed. Focus areas include understanding various cyberbullying forms, recognizing and preventing such acts, and implementing support systems.

What students will learn from the course

Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of cyberbullying's nature, platforms it commonly occurs on, its impacts on individuals and communities, and effective strategies for prevention and intervention.

Prerequisites or skills necessary to complete the course

There are no prerequisites. This course is designed for anyone interested in understanding and combating cyberbullying.

Course Coverage

  • Understanding cyberbullying and its various forms.
  • Identifying the platforms where cyberbullying is most prevalent.
  • Exploring the psychological and social impacts of cyberbullying.
  • Strategies for prevention and intervention.

Who this course is for

The course is suitable for parents, educators, social workers, counselors, and anyone who works with children and young adults or who is interested in the welfare and safety of internet users.

Utilizing skills in the real world

Skills learned in this course can be applied to creating safer online environments in schools, workplaces, and homes by educating individuals, developing preventive strategies, and fostering support systems that discourage cyberbullying behaviors.


  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Cyberbullying
    • Section 1: About the Course
    • Section 2: Brief Objective
  • Chapter 2: Forms of Cyberbullying
    • Section 1: Cyberstalking, Trickery, Trolling
    • Section 2: Persistent Cyberbullying
    • Section 3: Permanent Cyberbullying
    • Section 4: Hard to Notice
  • Chapter 3: Causes of Cyberbullying
    • Section 1: Overview of Causes
    • Section 2: Lack of Empathy, Self-Loathing, Addiction
    • Section 3: Lack of Internet Experience
    • Section 4: Lack of Parental Monitoring
  • Chapter 4: Impacts of Cyberbullying
    • Section 1: Various Impacts
    • Section 2: Social Impact
    • Section 3: Impact on Mental Health
    • Section 4: Impact on Physical Health
  • Chapter 5: Preventing and Reporting of Cyberbullying
    • Section 1: Preventive Measures
    • Section 2: Reporting Incidents