NUS: Glaucoma for the General Ophthalmologist - Basic Knowledge

NUS: Glaucoma for the General Ophthalmologist - Basic Knowledge

by The National University of Singapore

About this Course

The Glauc-Go Course is ideally crafted for ophthalmologists practicing either in private or institutional setups and focuses primarily on glaucoma diagnosis and the initial medical management. This online accessible course is structured into three modules, followed by a quiz to reinforce learning.

Course Description

This course is designed for ophthalmologists to deepen their knowledge and enhance their skills in diagnosing glaucoma and managing it initially with medical therapies. It includes topics on differential diagnosis, contemporary surgical techniques, and management of low vision conditions.

What Students Will Learn

  • Fundamental knowledge regarding the anatomy and pathophysiology related to glaucoma and its overall impact on health.
  • Skills to categorize and diagnose glaucoma confidently and differentiate it from other non-glaucoma ocular conditions.
  • Procedures for initial glaucoma treatment and when to refer to a specialist.
  • Understanding of contemporary surgical and laser options for glaucoma management.

Prerequisites or Skills Necessary

Participants should be certified general ophthalmologists recognized by local medical or specialist licensing bodies.

Course Coverage

  • Understanding the anatomy and pathophysiology of the eye related to glaucoma.
  • Skills in diagnosing glaucoma and initiating appropriate medical management.
  • Knowledge of modern surgical and laser therapies for glaucoma treatment.

Who This Course Is For

The course is intended for licensed, practicing ophthalmologists interested in updating their knowledge and skills specifically related to glaucoma.

Real World Application

This training allows ophthalmologists to improve their diagnostic acuity for glaucoma, leading to better patient outcomes, and equipping them with the ability to use contemporary medical and surgical treatment options effectively.


  • Week 1: Basics of Glaucoma, including pathology and necessary diagnosis skills.
  • Week 2: Advanced diagnostic approaches and clinical staging of glaucoma.
  • Week 3: Principles of glaucoma management, including emergency recognition and management options.
  • Week 4: Online assessment to evaluate the understanding and application of course material.
Course Page   NUS: Glaucoma for the General Ophthalmologist - Basic Knowledge