Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development

Course Description

Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of intangible cultural heritage and its profound connection to sustainable development with this comprehensive course. Designed for both beginners and professionals, this intermediate-level program explores the vital role of 'living heritage' in addressing contemporary global challenges such as health, education, gender equality, natural disasters, and conflict resolution.

What students will learn from the course

  • A deep understanding of intangible cultural heritage and its significance in people's lives
  • The key concepts and practices of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • The crucial role of communities in preserving and transmitting their living heritage
  • The intricate relationship between intangible cultural heritage safeguarding and various development areas
  • How living heritage contributes to sustainable development across diverse cultural contexts
  • Practical approaches to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage for a sustainable future


No specific prerequisites are required for this course. However, a genuine interest in cultural heritage, sustainable development, and global issues would be beneficial.

What the course will cover

  • Definition and importance of intangible cultural heritage
  • Key concepts of the 2003 Convention for Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • Community participation and community-based approaches in safeguarding living heritage
  • Safeguarding measures, inventories, and ethics in preserving intangible cultural heritage
  • The relationship between intangible cultural heritage and gender
  • Living heritage's role in sustainable livelihoods and inclusive social development
  • Intangible cultural heritage's contribution to resilience, environmental sustainability, and peacebuilding
  • The connection between living heritage and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Who this course is for

  • Individuals new to the concept of intangible cultural heritage
  • Graduate and advanced undergraduate students interested in sustainability and global issues
  • Professionals engaged in sustainable development at local, regional, or international levels
  • Practitioners and professionals involved in living heritage safeguarding

How learners can use these skills in the real world

  • Developing culturally sensitive sustainable development projects
  • Implementing community-based heritage preservation initiatives
  • Integrating living heritage into education, health, and economic development programs
  • Addressing gender equality issues through cultural perspectives
  • Enhancing disaster preparedness and conflict resolution strategies using intangible cultural heritage
  • Contributing to policy-making in cultural heritage and sustainable development
  • Promoting cultural diversity and creativity in various professional settings


Module 1: What is intangible cultural heritage?
Module 2: Communities and their intangible cultural heritage
Module 3: Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage
Module 4: Intangible cultural heritage and gender
Module 5: Intangible cultural heritage for sustainable livelihoods and inclusive social development
Module 6: Intangible cultural heritage for resilience, environmental sustainability and peacebuilding
Conclusion: Intangible cultural heritage for building a sustainable future for humanity

Each module consists of multiple chapters covering specific aspects of the topic, ensuring a comprehensive and in-depth learning experience.