TokyoTechX: プログラミングしながら学ぶコンピュータサイエンス入門 : Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

TokyoTechX: プログラミングしながら学ぶコンピュータサイエンス入門 : Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

by Tokyo Institute of Technology

Course Description

The course from TokyoTechX, delivered in Japanese, dives into the essence of Computer Science, starting from foundational concepts to an overview of advanced topics. Participants engage in ultra-beginner programming to pragmatically learn through designing and executing computations, effectively blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

What Students Will Learn

Students will understand the basics of data and computations, foundation of information security including encryption and decryption, difference between private and public key cryptosystems, typical applications of computations in today's society, and basic programming using Ruby on Rails.

Prerequisites or Skills Necessary

No prerequisites required. This introductory course is accessible to beginners without prior knowledge of computer science or programming.

Course Will Cover

  • Understanding the concept of data and computations
  • Basics of information security, including encryption, decryption, and breaking cryptographic codes
  • Differences between private key and public key cryptosystems
  • Examples of computation applications in modern society like computer simulations and data mining
  • Installation and usage of programming environments (editor, shell)
  • Basic programming with the Ruby programming language

Who This Course is For

This course is designed for anyone interested in acquiring beginner-level skills in computer science and programming, especially those desiring to understand the application of computations in various fields like machine learning, data mining, and AI technologies.

Real World Application of Skills

The skills learned can be utilized in developing practical technology solutions, enhancing career prospects in tech-related fields, understanding data analysis processes, and efficiently leveraging computational tools and methodologies in both personal and professional settings.
Course Page   TokyoTechX: プログラミングしながら学ぶコンピュータサイエンス入門 : Introduction to Computer Science and Programming